Create peace. Create alternatives. Create hope. End the US war in Iraq.
Take steps to bring the troops home now --
And engage in nationwide nonviolent action
if a concrete withdrawal plan is not established and activated
The Declaration of Peace
A Commitment to Take Action to:
End the US War in Iraq
Bring the Troops Home Now
Establish a Comprehensive, Concrete Withdrawal Plan
Oppose Future US Military Invasions
The Declaration of Peace Pledge
Yes! I join with the majority of US citizens, the people of Iraq, and people around the world in calling for a comprehensive end to the US war in Iraq. I solemnly pledge to: (please check all that apply)
_____ Call on the Bush administration and Congress to immediately withdraw all US troops from Iraq;
_____ Urge my Congressional representatives to adopt a “bring the troops home now” position, and to establish a concrete, comprehensive withdrawal plan no later than September 21, 2006, International Peace Day, just days before Congress adjourns;
_____ Participate in marches, rallies, demonstrations, and other peaceful strategies to establish this plan;
_____ Engage in nonviolent civil disobedience, as conscience leads me, if this plan for a comprehensive withdrawal is not established and activated no later than September 21, 2006.
Affiliation (if any)__________________________________________________________
Please print, fill out and return this Pledge to the Brandywine Peace Community, PO Box 81, Swarthmore, PA 19081.
OR: paste this Pledge into an email, fill it out; then send it to
Questions or other info: please email or call Brandywine (610)-544-1818